Eine Frau auf Partnersuche durch unsere Partnervermittlung: Yana (44), Photographer aus Mainz
Vorname: | Yana |
ID: | 25260 |
Alter: | 44 |
Größe: | 173 |
Gewicht: | 55 |
Augenfarbe: | braun |
Familienstand: | geschieden |
Kinder: | |
Raucherin: | nein |
Beruf: | Photographer |
Schulbildung: | Studiumsabschluss |
Sprachkenntnisse |
deutsch: etwas englisch: sehr gut |
Sternzeichen: | Zwillinge |
Das sollte der zukünftige Partner über Yana wissen:
Wow, what to say, huh? kinda difficult... Write smt profound, running at risk of making it too long and being labeled "a Bore" or "pretentious one" ? Or something short and generic, which says all and nothing at the same time? Ok, a little bit of both then. Bear with me :) First, generic.. I'm just a good girl, looking for a good guy to fall in love with and live happily ever after (with maybe one addition - in a, I would say, classical understanding of words "good", "girl" and "guy", coz oh my god these days those terms can be vague).
Now, for those who don't mind some reading:). I'm a fluffy smiley type of person (ha-ha, like if there is anyone who'd have ever described him-/herself as "evil grumpy psychopath"?) with a Keira Knightly (yeah, I'm sorry too, but not Monica Belucci) body type, with a humanitarian mindset (i.e. I'm re-e-ally bad at Math), I am easygoing, so no one actually suspects that I'm more of an introvert and feel so much better when I'm being and doing things at home; I hate wake-ups and love hugging and cuddling, I guess I'm some kind of Koala-bear:); I hate social networks and phones, I prefer to spend my time on real things and real 3-dimensional people, to slow things down and to savour them instead of swiping, clicking, clip-thinking; to small talks I prefer lasting-till-dawn person-to-person conversations on some eternal topics, like how men and women differ, what is happiness, freewill - real or an illusion, multiverse, time-travelling etc. By the way, I like travelling sometimes (who doesn't? but not on a bicycle in a tent with no shower, sorry, I'm a classy gal - I need all girly stuff). As a photographer and retoucher, I like beautiful stylish high quality things and accessories to have and to shoot, and high-tech gear to work with. I like AircrashInvestigations, science fiction, juridical dramas to watch, I like singing so am trying to learn guitar, photo exhibitions are always a magnet to me (especially those of fashion photographers like Peter Lindberg or Patrick Demarchelier , Mario Testino, Alex Lubomirsky etc.), I like car shows and rallies, as well as conferences (not business) on popular science, planetariums and Technic museums. I don't like overcrowded places and events and am disappointed in politics and history. The MOST important thing for me is FAMILY.
For many relationships start with telling what they want to get. I prefer to ask first what YOU want and see if I can give that. So what do you want? Do you want an elegant accompanier, witty interlocutor, true admirer and a person, to whom "decency", "gratitude", "loyalty", "respect" and "being a wife" are not some archaisms and to whom getting to know you and taking care of you is not some chore? I do like to "learn" my man, what he thinks, what drives him nuts and what can send him over the Moon, and all other little things in between that can make him feel cosy, like: his favourite drink on a hot summer day, the one with friends and the one when sad; book, podcast or TV-show to get his brains off things after work, yummiest thing to cook for him when stressed; luckiest shirt to prepare for him for important meetings, long bubbly bath to relax him, places to look in, when he forgets his keys or documents, silly jokes with which to crack him up when he is cranky, places or events to cheer him up, or what things to do when he can't fall asleep, etc..... I truly enjoy figuring out, remembering and taking care of such things.
What do I want? A husband (not a partner -cmon, it's not some business, not a friend - I have friends and I'm sure so do you, not a daddy - I have a dad whom I love, and I don't want to replace a mom for anybody here), a man of a class and high-values, financially and mentally ready for a marriage with a foreigner, more or less same age as me, taller than me (coz flat-sole is not my thing, sorry), who is fun and gets my jokes (we can be ve-e-ry different but we can last if we make each other laugh, no?), who is kind and protective to me and my family, with whom I'm safe and don't need to fulfil a man function myself, who can lead and whom I can trust to follow and with whom I can be a woman.
Thank you for reading this long and good luck in your search! No matter what, don't agree for less and keep looking!
Yanas Hobbys:
- Schwimmen
- Badminton
- Reisen
- Bowling
- Kino
- Ausstellungen
- Foto
- Psychologie
Yana charakterisiert:
- Adel
- Höflichkeit
- Loyalität
- Aufmerksamkeit
- Ausdauer
- Menschlichkeit
- Wohlwollen
- Gewissenhaftigkeit
- Natürlichkeit
- Weiblichkeit
- Lebensfreude
- Fürsorge
- Intelligenz
- Aufrichtigkeit
- Neugier
- Beobachtung
- Zuverlässigkeit
- Zärtlichkeit
- Witz / Humor
- Stabilität
- Takt
- Fleiß
- Kompromissbereitschaft
- Fähigkeit, dankbar zu sein
- Fähigkeit zu lieben
- Fähigkeit, zu schweigen
- Fähigkeit zu verstehen
- Vergebung
- Ausdauer
- Ehrlichkeit
- Sauberkeit
- Humor
- Eleganz
- Emotionalität