Eine Frau auf Partnersuche durch unsere Partnervermittlung: Sofia (30), Juristin aus Nowosibirsk
Vorname: | Sofia |
ID: | 25126 |
Alter: | 30 |
Größe: | 174 |
Gewicht: | 59 |
Augenfarbe: | grün |
Familienstand: | ledig |
Kinder: | |
Raucherin: | nein |
Beruf: | Juristin |
Schulbildung: | Studiumsabschluss |
Sprachkenntnisse |
deutsch: keine englisch: sehr gut |
Sternzeichen: | Krebs |
Das sollte der zukünftige Partner über Sofia wissen:
I’m well educated , open minded , spiritual person . Ex model and full time traveler, I have visited around 30 countries . Have passed yoga TTC in Himalaya ( 2 month full time training) and Qigong TTC in Thailand 1 month full time TTC . Have dedicated my life to self discovery and self development through spiritual practice , connection with nature and living purpose which is helping humanity rise awareness .
Anti Vax / anti pharma. 100% organic girl 💯 For health activities I do fasting and ice bath .
My goal is to have my own organic farm and eat food that my produced in my farm . Also living in fully autonomic house with self generated energy and fresh water.
Have a good taste in everything. I enjoy hiking , biking and generally any kind of activity that related to nature )always exited for Padel tennis and fun activities. I listing classic , instrumental music , jazz, tech house , deep house and chill rave sets .
I like to study social problems and interested in finding an alternative to capitalism and modern government and discovering ancient secrets of past civilizations.
Everything authentic, beautiful and pure , is very much resonating with my vibe . My main life values is virtues mindset. I believe that happiness is a choice of positive mind.
I don’t have a job but atm I developing my info business , I’m building online course for practice qigong and my final goal is to open my own qigong and yoga retreat in Switzerland.
I have little sister that I want to able take care of coz our parents is getting very old .
I read a lot and like to discover cultural aspects of life and art of different geniuses of all times. Big fan Nicola Tesla and scintific mind blowing theories and concepts.
My ideal relationship based on support , trust , respect , understanding and looking in the same direction in live . Sharing similar life values and ambitions to grow together… helping each other to be on pick performance mindset , follow discipline and healthy ( alcohol free lifestyle )
My ideal partner is generous , kind and intelligent gentlemen with Mature and sold mindset and stable , productive lifestyle.
I bring table to the table so my man have to bring to the table all the rest. I expecting full care and financial support from my man . helping also with my business and maybe creating business together also .
Not vaccinated and having very clear idea of global world social and political situation. Critical thinking is must have . Supporting traditional family values and life in nature outside the city. Without kids better . Mentally healthy and with cured traumas lol Successful in business but outsourced to have more time for life and relationship) Ideally tall and with colored eyes .
Max. age difference is 16 years.
Sofias Hobbys:
- Schwimmen
- Laufen
- Schach
- Großes Tennis
- Gymnastik
- Bergtourismus
- Bergsteigen
- Fahrrad
- Yoga
- Reisen
- Spazieren gehen durch die Natur
- Tourismus
- Reisen auf einer Yacht, Boot
- Tauchen
- Pilze sammeln
- Archäologie
- Theater
- Konzert
- Ausstellungen
- Museum
- Floristik
- Massage
- Foto
- Malen
- Astrologie
- Divination
- Psychologie
- Politik
- Teezeremonie, exotische Tees zu brauen
- Meditation
Sofia charakterisiert:
- Genauigkeit
- Aktivität
- Kunst
- Furchtlosigkeit
- Adel
- Höflichkeit
- Großzügigkeit
- Loyalität
- Aufmerksamkeit
- Stärke
- Menschlichkeit
- Wohlwollen
- Gewissenhaftigkeit
- Freundlichkeit
- Natürlichkeit
- Weiblichkeit
- Lebensfreude
- Intelligenz
- Aufrichtigkeit
- Geselligkeit
- Höflichkeit
- Neugier
- Weisheit
- Zuverlässigkeit
- Zärtlichkeit
- Optimismus
- Witz / Humor
- Hilfsbereitschaft
- Offenheit
- Verständnis
- Konstanz
- Ehrlichkeit
- Pünktlichkeit
- Romantik
- Herzlichkeit
- Mitgefühl
- die Fähigkeit zu träumen
- Takt
- Fähigkeit zu lieben
- Fähigkeit zu verstehen
- Haltung
- Feinfühligkeit
- Zielstrebigkeit
- Ehrlichkeit
- Humor
- Eleganz